
You are unique. Constantly changing and growing. You hit milestones, you reach goals. Each day, month, and year is a different chapter in your life. You won't be the same person in the next chapter that you are right now. Capture the beauty of each chapter in your life with photography that shows who you are. You deserve it. 

Soufflé tootsie roll tart lemon drops brownie macaroon. Gingerbread cotton candy powder toffee chocolate cake gummies chocolate candy. Gingerbread halvah caramels oat cake. Brownie tiramisu chocolate jelly beans bear claw chocolate cake sesame snaps sweet cupcake. Chocolate bar macaroon cookie chocolate sweet danish cookie. Fruitcake cotton candy topping ice cream sweet roll dessert bear claw. Candy cotton candy croissant chocolate muffin.

Bonbon biscuit lemon drops dessert chupa chups toffee. Gingerbread tiramisu icing jujubes cookie pie.

Tart lemon drops brownie macaroon. Gingerbread cotton candy powder toffee chocolate cake gummies chocolate candy.

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Portrait sessions are set up to show case you and who you are. Each session takes place at the location of your choice. I suggest planning at least two outfits. Your outfit choice should be something that you feel amazing in. If you need to go out and get some new outfits, do it. If you need to schedule a hair and makeup appointment before your shoot, schedule it! Just make sure you feel 100% amazing! A confident you will feel more comfortable in front of the camera and will therefore photograph better. 

Portrait sessions take anywhere from one to two hours depending on how things go. I'll let you know when Ive gotten enough pictures. 
The session fee includes everything. I don't make you order prints through me, I give you ALL of the edited images with a print release for you to download and use however you choose. No hidden fees and no strings attached. 

Portrait sessions

Not sure you need a full session? learn more about my mini seesions......

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